Aiming to constantly improve our products, it’s expected that the Futurae API may undergo changes that may require new fields to be added to some endpoints response payloads or to the callback request payload.
This announcement is intended to reemphasize that a backend application which integrates the Futurae API, should be implemented in a way that possible changes like adding a new attribute to the existing JSON payload returned by Futurae are handled and processed correctly, without impacting the existing implementation.
Furthermore, when verifying a Futurae callback( using the JWS signature, the whole HTTP body must be considered instead of specific attributes, otherwise the signature verification may fail if any new attributes are added to the callback request payload.
Any upcoming change that requires new fields to be added to the Futurae APIs JSON payloads format may occur without further announcement.
Other changes like removing or modifying an existing payload attribute will still be announced with at least one week prior notice.
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