Due to an update of api.futurae.com certificate, we received reports that some customers experience problems on connecting to Futurae.
We want to inform you about recent changes implemented by our certificate provider, specifically concerning the Chain of Trust. Our certificate provider Let’s Encrypt has discontinued issuing certificates with the root certificate cross-signed by the DST Root CA X3 certificate and has transitioned to using the ISRG Root X1 root certificate.
Following the automatic renewal of the api.futurae.com TLS certificate, which occurs at the beginning of each month, the Futurae system transitioned to using Let's Encrypt's new Root X1 certificate due to Lets’s Encrypt having switched their default deployment to the new certificate, while having reported the continuance of the original version by June 6th. Although the Let's Encrypt Root X1 certificate is now widely trusted, that might not be the case for API clients running older or outdated versions of OpenSSL or with outdated truststores.
Our goal is to ensure a seamless update process without disruptions and to timely inform you about any changes that we are aware of and may affect your integration, nevertheless we sincerely apologize if this change caused difficulties when connecting to api.futurae.com.
In order to support the Let’s Encrypt Root X1 certificate we recommend considering the following adjustments.
Suggested Actions:
For the majority of users, this change requires no action. However, if you have experienced any problems connecting to api.futurae.com on the last hours, please consider following these important suggestions:
1- Trust ISRG Root X1: Ensure that your API clients trust the ISRG Root X1 certificate, moving on from the previously required DST Root CA X3.
2- Or upgrade OpenSSL Version: Clients using OpenSSL must upgrade to version 1.1.0 or later due to a verification issue in OpenSSL 1.0.x that may cause failures, especially with the default Android-compatible certificate chain.
For any inquiries, do not hesitate to contact support@futurae.com.
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