This article describes how to implement localization for the push notification text in Customer apps that integrate the Futurae Mobile SDK.
How to implement the push notification text localization?
All the push notification messages sent by the Futurae backend are sent in American English, but the way our SDKs are designed, allows you to fully customize the push notification text, as well as translate it to a language of your preference.
The process of localizing the push notification text is the same as the process of customizing the push notification text. This process gives you all the development flexibility to support the languages you wish, by just replacing the notification text received by app with the localized text which will then be displayed in the user's phone system tray/notification center/lock screen.
You may also support multiple languages in your app, adding conditional checks to verify the user device configured language, and display a specific push notification text accordingly.
Can the text localization be performed by the Futurae backend?
The Futurae backend is not designed to support push notification text localization. The main reason behind this decision is that the Customer mobile app (and backend) typically have all the context necessary in order to handle this fully autonomously, and we prefer to give this flexibility to the app.
In particular, the Futurae backend doesn't have the user's language information. We could, of course, retrieve the user's selected phone language, but this would result in times where the backend hasn't been updated, and thus the app is receiving wrong translations from the backend (until the backend retrieves the phone language change). Yet in other cases, the Customer would prefer to use the language specified by the Customer's nationality or some other other attribute, regardless of the language preferences defined in the user's phone settings. With the current design, the app (and the notification text, in particular) will always show the correct localizations based on the user's chosen language, as defined by the application logic.
Useful references
Customize push notification text
Mobile SDK Android push notification development guide
Mobile SDK iOS push notification development guide
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